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Anxiety Therapy in Farmington, CT

Symptoms of Anxiety

person with anxiety looking distraught




Don't you just love when people tell you that? If it was that easy, you wouldn't be scrolling this page and you certainly wouldn't want to punch everyone in the face that has ever said that to you!

Anxiety isn't a choice.

Anxiety can be caused by many things. It can be chemical, biological, environmental, situational, from trauma, and even too much caffeine, certain medications or lack of sleep.


Some medical conditions also create anxiety symptoms. These include:

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • Thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism

  • Respiratory disorders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma

  • Drug misuse or withdrawal

  • Withdrawal from alcohol, anti-anxiety medications (benzodiazepines) or other medications

  • Chronic pain or irritable bowel syndrome

  • Rare tumors that produce certain fight-or-flight hormones


Anxiety can be a side effect of these conditions, so it's important to rule out medical issues first. 


Anxiety can also be categorized under different diagnostic labels such as: generalized anxiety, social anxiety, OCD, panic disorder, phobias and PTSD. ​


So, while calming down and relaxing are certainly the goal, just being told that doesn't instantly change our brain's response to real or perceived danger.





Over 40 millions adults are affected by anxiety every year in the US. Some common co-occurring disorders include:


Almost 32% of youth ages 13 to 18 experience anxiety. Research shows that untreated teenagers with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, and engage in substance abuse.


Only one-third of people seek treatment. ​​**


The good news is that anxiety is very treatable.


**Statistics and facts source: The Anxiety & Depression Association of America​​


If You Struggle With Anxiety, You Are Not Alone.

woman's hands on her lap indicating anxiety and worry

What is Anxiety?

​The way that anxiety manifests in your life is different from person to person; it can even vary day-to-day. Here are some examples of anxiety-related struggles you might relate to:


  • You feel stressed out, but it seems you're more high-strung than others

  • You constantly run what-if and worst-case scenarios through your head

  • You're panicky, often sensing that something bad is about to happen or have a doom-and-gloom outlook

  • Difficulty identifying your needs

  • Increased pessimism

  • Lack of focus

  • Physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, knots in your stomach, sudden sweating or trembling

  • Regular irritability or anger

  • Restlessness

  • Self-doubt

​If you’re dealing with any of the issues listed above and wish to find a way to move forward, it’s time to reach out for help from an experienced anxiety therapist.


At J Hoffman Therapy, I offer a comfortable space for you to discuss and work through your concerns. It's my goal to help you find peace and take back control of your life.

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It IS Possible to Make the Changes You Want for Your Life With an Anxiety Therapist

Will I Have to Take Medication?

While research indicates a combination of medication and therapy provides the best results, that decision is ultimately yours and yours alone. First, we look at lifestyle changes and increasing coping strategies. If those interventions aren't providing the level of relief you need after some time, we can explore other options together. 


I am not a licensed prescriber, so if you do decide on medication, I can provide referrals for you to find someone who can evaluate you and prescribe a medication you are open to trying. 


I take a collaborative approach to our work together and aim to stay respectful of your religious views, your values and beliefs. 

Do I really need an anxiety

Anxiety isn't a choice, but you CAN learn ways to manage it and not let it control your life.


By choosing to work with a licensed therapist, you'll have a dedicated advocate on your side who can provide the support and guidance you need to outline effective solutions that meet your unique needs.


A skilled clinician, like me, can help you sort out any possible causes of your anxiety such as a negative life experience. 

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